If you are a busy loan originator, then it is likely that you are considering the idea of hiring an
In recent years, the real estate trends have been moving up and down. We’ve seen higher trends where many people
Do you believe in the statistics of the lending industry? If you have been following the latest statistics, then you
About FHA Loans
With there being higher mortgage insurance rates on FHA loans, why would anyone be offering FHA loans? For certain borrowers,
Recently, a bill has been proposed to wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which are both enterprises sponsored by
There have been discussions about completely overhauling the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac programs, and researchers are suggesting that this
Recently, changes in regulations and current trends are resulting in a situation where many brokers are now considering a mini-correspondent
What is a Wholesale Mortgage Lender?
Since the housing crisis of 2008, there have been some massive shifts in the mortgage industry, and people have been
The Changing Names of Mortgage Brokers
It has been interesting to see the shift in the marketing since the housing crisis of 2008, because new rules